Temple Rodef Shalom
Synagogue Member Newsletter
Temple Rodef Shalom is a vibrant Jewish congregation located in Northern Virginia. The temple has many programs for all ages and a very engaged membership. Their primary print newsletter was out-of-date and out-of-touch with its members’ needs.
We began by taking inventory of the information and looking for patterns. The newsletter was organized in “silos,” with each internal group having a separate page. For example, the Women’s Club, Social Action, and Seniors listed all of their events on their own page, in no specific order.
A straightforward solution — reordering the information in chronological order — provided structure, as well as an easy way for people find what they are looking for. Additionally, we reset the emphasis of each event from the sponsor to the event itself.
We designed a full 28+ page template with headline treatments, layouts, color palette, and photo and illustration styles. We also provided three months of training and support to help the client get up and running.
The result: After the second issue, the average program attendance increased from 50 to 85 people per event. Congregants remarked how easy it was to find activities and information they were looking for.
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