American Jewish Committee (AJC)
Conference Environments

The set created an exciting attendee experience

Legible branding for attendees as well as video/photo opportunities

Conference banners converted to tote bags

The set created an exciting attendee experience
AJC’s annual “Global Forum” brings together U.S. government officials, diplomats and participants from around the world. Their event branding needed to convey the international leadership of the organization.
For us, event branding takes on two equally important considerations: attendee experience and media assets for future use.
Attendee Experience: The dynamic stage and large-scale graphics were a metaphor for the organization’s reach and prominence. The set design accommodated a wide variety of speaker and stage set ups, without reconfiguration.
Media Assets: The stage design optimized branding for live feed, press videos and still images on many levels. For far and medium shots the layered design featured large logos at various positions on the stage and the textural backgrounds lent energy to the scene. Step and repeat patterns were considered for size, contrast, placement and legibility for the close ups shots, for maximum effectiveness.
Deliverables: modular stage design and fabrication, branded lobby design, printed program and name badges. We supervised all aspects of the production.
The Result: “Your team not only kept pace with us, but was often a step ahead.” — David Harris, Executive Director
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